• I was born in Saint George, Romania, on the 14th October, 1997

  • I live in Saint George, Romania, Bisericii Street 11    

  • Student years:

  1. I beneficied of the preschool education in the   "Benedek Elek"    Kindergarten of Saint George - My kindergarten teachers were Kopacz Emőke and Bartok Emese
  2. Elementary schoole I absolved the "Székely Mikó" College of Saint George - My teacher was Varga Mária
  3. Between 2005 and 2010 I absolved the "Piano Art School" of Saint George - My teacher was Váncsa Zsuzsa
  4. Present I am student of class VII at the "Székely Mikó" College of Saint George - My chef teacher is Kinda Ellenora